JAKARTA – the Ministry of Trade said, strict regulations the export food products from Indonesia to South Korea . the Director General of Export Development’s National Ministry of Trade Arlinda said, strict rules in the form of there are some foods that can’t go in. One of them is artificial sweeteners.
“The constraints of exports to South Korea does not exist, but it is in food. The rules for the food are not artificial sweeteners, sometimes our entrepreneurs don’t pay attention,” she said in Jakarta, Tuesday (4/4/2017).
It was so tight the rules, said Arlinda, importers from South Korea to examine direct food products in Indonesia. If there are materials that are not safe it will be thrown away.
“Especially food enough details in South Korea. To be a importers korean interest to Indonesia, she bought an example in Indonesia, research on the Food and Drug Control Board, if I may be use this imported and the other can throw away,” she said.
According to her, information related to the rules in other countries should be announced to local employers. So, don’t get the product can’t go in.
“Don’t let it didn’t know this information, so they know what should be prepared. Anticipation of South Korea is to be done, if you can’t go in there,” she concluded.