About Us

ITPC Busan is the representative organization of Ministry of Trade Republic of Indonesia. ITPC is a non-profit organization under the guidance of the Directorate General of Export Development (DJ PEN). ITPC Busan formation is intended to help bridge the trade relations between Indonesia and South Korea. Forms of assistance provided by ITPC Busan in bridging the trade relationship is realized in the format of services in the form the provision of information on business opportunities in South Korea to the Indonesian exporters and also the contrary, providing information about the potential of Indonesian export products to importers in South Korea.

Other forms of support is providing promotional media of Indonesian export products. Firstly, facilitate the Indonesian businessmen to participate in trade promotion activities (exhibitions) in international scale held in South Korea. Secondly, providing permanent display room for Indonesian export products in the ITPC Busan office. Thirdly, provide ITPC Busan site which can be exploited by Indonesia and South Korea entrepreneurs as a source of information. The last one is facilitate trade mission activities, buying mission, business matching, and more.

Duties and functions of ITPC as outlined in the regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 10 / M-DAG / PER / 3/2010 is doing the technical implementation of trade promotion activities abroad in order to increase of commodity goods non-oil exports. ITPC has function to promoting Indonesian export products abroad, provide information on Indonesian products, do some activities in order to build cooperation between Indonesian businessmen with other businessmen in their work area, helping Indonesian entrepreneurs in marketing their goods in their working area, do some activities in order to increase promotion activity and conduct business activities of market breakthrough.

In carrying out its duties and functions, ITPC Busan attempt to penetrate the market, information services and export promotion, and also serve the business community through:

  1. Promoting Indonesian products through play an active role in the international scale exhibition and facilitate Indonesian businessmen to participate in the exhibition.
  2. Creating a network of organizations concerned with trade.
  3. Assist importers and to find Indonesian product and exporters.
  4. Help exporters who will develop the market in South Korea.
  5. Conduct market intelligence on trade policy in South Korea and potential products that will distribute into the South Korean market.
  6. Assist to facilitating business meetings between importers and exporters.
  7. Provide a market brief, statistics data and also exporters and importers data.