World Korean Business Convention which gathers businessmen from South Korea in the foreign and domestic businessmen in one place held in Jeju on Tuesday (27/09/2016).

World Korean Business Convention held every year since 2002. In this year’s event which was the 15th, with the theme ‘New Amendment to and Springboard, Korea Employers Network, thousand business people who conduct activities in 50 countries in the world, and 2 thousand businessmen in the country in attendance, as well as 259 pieces of booths reserved.

Various programs to exchange business information and establish a network among the participants is also provided. In addition, export opportunities for small and medium enterprises are also available through the exhibition company.

Meanwhile, the recruitment program intern abroad also carried out to find a global workforce through auditions and mentoring. A total of 49 overseas companies will hire 110 workers directly in the event this time.